Joystick Emulator Archive
Joystick emulation is the process of having a control device other than
your keyboard send keyboard input to your computer. A TSR (Terminate
Stay-Resident) program stays in memory and whenever a joystick button
registers as being pressed, your computer will read a keyboard button.
Joystick emulators require that you assign different keyboard buttons to
each respective joystick button.
Most joystick emulators are actually faster than using built in joystick
support on many games and emulators and allow more configurability.
Inputting keystrokes via a PC Joystick:
- JoyEmu (v3.30 / MS-DOS)
- JOYKEYS (v1.41 / MS-DOS)
Inputting keystrokes via a Console Controller:
- SNESKey (v1.61 / MS-DOS, Win95)
- Console Cable (v1.40 / MS-DOS)
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