
PasoFami's built in graphic editor can create some interesting variants of classic video games. Each game is distributed as an IPS patch for a .NES formatted NES ROM image.

Graphic Modifications
Final Fantasy '97
Super Mario Bros. World v0.1
Zelda: Search for Link v0.8
Final Fantasy III v0.

Final Fantasy III Translation (IPS Patch)

Here comes the first Japanese to English translation patch to be made available on the Internet! Check the World Wide Web link to Pina Consolada to see a review of the patch!
Final Fantasy '97 (IPS Patch) BiGWeird released this IPS Patch for Final Fantasy as a test hack made with his sprite editor, X-Char. Many characters have changed to Final Fantasy III graphics.
Super Mario Bros. World v0.1 (IPS Patch) While playing Super Mario Bros, I thought that I could give the original NES ROM a touchup job similar to Super Mario World. The Koopa Troopa is the only finalized character unfortunately... I never bothered to further this project after my first sitting, but the Koopa Troopas do look extremely well drawn and hint on how good this patch would be finished. Perhaps... some day I might finish this!
Zelda: Search for Link v0.8 (IPS Patch) EFX, notorious for his prior dealings with Damaged Cybernetics and his new home at Console Consortium has released a hack of Zelda. New graphics and a new plot (was there ever much in the original?) make this hack great! Many new features have been added in this almost completed version! Unfortunately, EFX gets a hearty bitchslap from Typhoon Z for unknowingly ripping some graphics from his Super Mario Bros. World!

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