Emulation Author Bios (A-H) | ||
Richard F. Bannister alias SlimyBeer Mac Ports of Frodo, SNES '97, etc. |
C. Neil Bradley Emu, NESticle 6502 CPU |
John M. Bugliarisi Naughty Boy & MAME driver |
Camera Shy! | Camera Shy! | |
Micheal F. Cuddy Killer Emulator |
Marchin Wojciech Dudar alias Duddie PSEmu |
John Dullea PC Atari |
Camera Shy! | Camera Shy! | |
Gustavo Goedert vMac and UAE (DOS) |
Hans J.W.R. de Goede VGB-DOS/Linux |
Ben C. Haynor MetaLynx |
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