Backup Unit ROMs
Double Profighter ROM
Rowan of Damaged Cybernetics releases the Double Profighter ROM! These brand of backup units were developed and manufactured by China Coach Limited. They best feature was that it copied Super Nintendo and SEGA cartridges. They were also know to be low quality, meaning high failure rates.

MultiGame Hunter 1.3c ROM!
Pong released (long time ago) the MultiGame Hunter 1.3 ROM. It fixes the filesize problem with 1.2 ROMs. This is also the *so-called* dealer version of the ROM.

Thanks to Redbox for sending us the ROM.

SWC 2.8cc ROM!
Rowan dumped the old SWC 2.8cc ROM so we could all get a kick out of what copiers used to be like in pre-DX days. Released in SMC Format!

Elitendo releases the SWC DX ROM and information about Donkey Kong Country protection!

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