Blackjack (Multi Screen)
Date: 2/15/85
Blackjack here was I believe the only gambling Game & Watch Nintendo made and
if you love blackjack it's a great game that'll last a long time. If you aren't
just pass it up. I wonder why Nintendo didn't do more gambling titles since
that's what there company was started on and still does today worldwide.
Bombsweeper (Multi Screen)
Click here to see the box art.
Date: 6/87
Here is one of the better Game & Watch's and in this game, Bombsweeper, your
job as John Solver must thwart Jack who is attempting to detonate many buildings.
To do so you must work your way to the bomb by pushing away at walls before the
time expires. This game feels a lil like Lolo or something, just plain fun.
Ball (Silver)
No Picture Avaliable
Date: 4/28/80
The first Game & Watch from what I can tell by a date list, and I played it long
ago and all you do is just juggle some balls, very unintuitive.
Balloon Fight (Crystal Screen)
Click here to see the box art.
Date: 11/86
Here we have a classic NES and Arcade Game ported to the Game & Watch handheld
called Ballon Fight, mostly as with the NES and Arcade games you must burst the
the enemy balloons to finish them off.
Balloon Fight (Wide Screen)
Date: 3/88
Ballon Fight is pretty much as the one above was but just not a on a liquid
crystal screen.
Boxing (Punch-Out!!???) (Micro Vs.)
Date: 7/31/84
This game which is believed to be a Punch-Out!! port to Game & Watch I heard is
quite a fun title, but doesn't seem to capture the Game & Watch feel. All I know
is that with its two player support I bet with a friend it is a blast!