Flagman (Silver)
Click here to see the box art.
Date: 6/5/80
Here's a very old and not really fun game for the Game & Watch, you work some
flags and manipulate some numbers on screen...whoopie.
Fire (Wide Screen)
Date: 12/4/81
The object of the game is to catch people bailing out of a burning building,
and then bound them over and into a waiting ambulance. Simple concept, quite
a fun little game especially for its age.
Fire (Silver)
No picture avaliable.
Date: 7/31/80
Same as above, just the original version not on a slightly wider screen.
Fire Attack (Wide Screen)
Date: 3/26/82
The game looks fun, I haven't played it, but from what I can tell your fort is
on fire and either you are bailing out, or knocking off some enemy storming the